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One of my greatest passions is reading. To enter a world of the unknown and become engulfed in the story as it

unfolds, not knowing where the journey will take you is akin to riding a roller coaster at an amusement park. Thrilling - with lots of twists and turns, ups and downs, it is, in one word - exhilarating. At the end of the ride you are shaken to the core but ready to ride again. It's funny I use this analogy because I actually hate riding roller coasters as I 

fear height but, give me a small, low lying roller coaster and that's thrilling enough for me. Reading a great novel is just that type of thrill ride, leaving you with wanting more. 


A few years ago, I created a book club called Storytellers Book Club. It's still running strong. Just recently I created a smaller book club called The Legal Squad with members from the law office I work 

in. We discuss many different books, in 

varying genres. At times, I may take some of the ideas that go back and forth among the members of both book clubs and add them to my blog. I thought it befitting to call my blog The Book Squad as it may reflect a compilation of discussions held at book club meetings.

The Book Squad appreciates support and feedback from readers like you!




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